It's so nice to meet you, finally
Through the ceiling-high windows
She looks so beautiful
So beautiful it can't be expressed in words
I can recall the moment
No doubt in my mind
I wanted to hold the hand inside you
Let me ask you something
How do you spell your name?
What time do you go to bed?
Your mother? Your father?
Do you tell lies?
Do you hurt?
Do you feel alone?
What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss?
You're free
On your own
Gorgeous, with a pure heart
You seem pretty sure of yourself
I mean, look at you
What do they call that?
Like an egg from a tall chicken
On the beach, in the sand
Or a very small town in Indiana
I'd like to get to know you
I look into your eyes
There's no heaviness
A week seems like a year
Wonder how you feel
Are you getting what you need?
You already asked me that
Are you still there?
I just got distracted.
Do you see me?
I won't complain if you don’t tell me what you see.
Are you sure you know who I am?
I'm sorry
Your tears are pure
The water of the springs
People love you
They adore you
Don't you know?
The whole world reduces,
You stepped out of a dream
Running through my mind
You are my sun
You melt me like a candle and a flame
Please give me love for a day.
I look at the world
And I notice it's turning
What are you so nervous about?
You're getting paranoid again
Why did you wait until now?
What did you do?
Why are you doing this?
How long till sunset?
Twenty-two more minutes
Just a few more minutes
One more minute
Oh my god...
This isn't the end of it.
You got one in mind?